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If you need to cancel your appointment, we kindly ask for a minimum 24hrs cancellation notice - just give us a call and let us know if we can reschedule. Depending in the circumstances, failure to cancel an appointment may result $75 fee.

We require patients with outstanding balance to pay required fees prior to receiving further services from our practice. Failing to cancel your appointment on multiple occasions may result in discharge from our practice.

Nathee Selvendran (BSc (Hons), DCh) is part of our Mississauga Foot Clinic team. A reputable and experienced foot specialist throughout Ontario, Nathee brings a wealth of experience to our wellness family.

He graduated from The Michener Institute in 2012. He dedicated his last year of clinical studies at The Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre, where his work included managing high-risk foot, limb salvage, and wound management. His experience in Ottawa included working with patients diagnosed with diabetes, peripheral vascular disease and severe arthritis.

Since 2012, He took his passion throughout the province, providing services as a foot specialist. Nathee has avidly worked in various clinical settings, ranging from chronic disease control to managing corns and calluses due to biomechanical imbalances. He was selected to lead and successfully open a developmental program at Northumberland Family Health Team in Cobourg, Ontario. Shortly after, he did the same at St. Michael’s Hospital Academic Family Health Team.

During his time at St. Michael’s Hospital, Nathee served as a valuable member of a large interdisciplinary health team, including surgeons, family physicians, chiropractors, and other allied health professionals. Nathee was nominated for his work at St. Michael’s Hospital in a category for allied health professionals recognizing clinical excellence in their respective professions. In addition to helping the community, Nathee has served as a preceptor to medical residents and chiropody residents during their clinical rotations.

As a committed member in good standing of the College of Chiropodists of Ontario, Ontario Society of Chiropodists, and the Canadian Federation of Podiatric Medicine, Nathee stays abreast of all professional standards and new treatment options. Continually learning and following research-based techniques in foot care, clients can count on patient-centred primary foot care.

Nathee has a polite, personalized and professional approach that clients value. His patient-centred care, rooted in empathy, provides a comfortable care setting for patients. He is highly energetic, an enormous sports enthusiast, and is very excited to share his experience and knowledge with anyone who wants to listen.

Nathee Selvendran (BSc (Hons), DCh) is part of our Mississauga Foot Clinic team. A reputable and ... Read More

Matthew Shestalo Chiropodist

After practicing as a registered nurse in both the intensive care unit (ICU) and community mental health, he shifted his focus to podiatric medicine, graduating from the Michener Institute of Applied Sciences in 2015. Matthew has been practicing as chiropodist in private practice in Mississauga and Toronto ever since. He continues to concentrate his practice on the treatment and management of conditions such as plantar fasciitis, warts, ingrown toenails, the diabetic foot and wounds, biomechanical analysis and custom orthotics.

Matthew Shestalo Chiropodist After practicing as a registered nurse in both the intensive care u... Read More

Maryam Zarazvand Chiropodist

Maryam is a Registered Chiropodist licensed under the Chiropody Act with the College of Chiropodists of Ontario. Maryam’s passion in helping others and knowing the importance of foot health led her to pursue her degree in Chiropody from the Michener Institute of education at UHN. Prior to that she holds a degree in Kinesiology with Honours from York University. Maryam has had experience in community health centre, family health team and private setting. Maryam strives to do her best to get her patients back on their feet and improve the quality of life of every patient she sees.

Maryam Zarazvand Chiropodist Maryam is a Registered Chiropodist licensed under the Chiropody Act... Read More

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